World Languages

In an ever-evolving global society, your ability to effectively communicate in more than one language is crucial. Learning another language will increase your overall academic and social skills. 

Our classes provide you with opportunities to gain self-confidence in a variety of real-life situations. Language learning and understanding other cultures while expanding one's knowledge of English will prepare you for further education and career pursuits.

Resources for Learning French

Transparent Language - has survival French vocabulary with accompanying audio clips, games and quizzes.

ZapFrench - provides basic French vocabulary lists, all with accompanying audio files for pronunciation.

Français Interactif - is a comprehensive online French course from the University of Texas at Austin.

California Language Teachers' Association- provides a collection of French language activities.

ABCTeach - has French worksheets that you can download as PDFs and use as the basis for your own assignments.

Learning French Web Guide - links to online resources for learning french, lesson plans, audio, and translators.

Resources for Learning Spanish - is a Spanish-to-English dictionary that also has audio pronunciations, and compound word examples.

Curso de español - is an extensive Spanish grammar lesson and exercise site. - provides short, basic conversational lessons for Spanish learners.

BBC Languages - offers resources for all levels of Spanish language learners. including a bit of history and culture.

Trinity University - has Spanish exercises that can be completed online or used as a structure for written work.

Learning Spanish Web Guide - has online resources for learning Spanish including lesson plans, audio, and translators.

Our World Language Teachers

Jeffrey Diteman

French Teacher and Spanish Teacher

(413) 498-2931 x402